Chutes, RISK, and Ladders
(you can play RISK on anything pt.1)
It is true.
You can play RISK on anything.
To prove this I will do a multiple entry how-to series on the various games you can turn into RISK.
If you have suggestions or challenges for this series, please email me at
Chutes and Ladders
There are a few ways to set up your pieces on the board, depending on game length. To determine how many armies each player gets take the amount of Territories (100), divide it by the number of Players (3-8), round your quotient down and multiply it by 2.
(ex. 3 players get 66 armies, 4 players get 50, 5 players 40, etc.)
- Short - Random Placement - Deal out flashcards numbered one to a hundred (or pick the numbers out of a hat). Put your pieces on the picked number.
- Medium - Player Placement - Each player takes turns putting a piece on the board until all territories are chosen.
- Long - Battle Placement - This is advanced and will need further explanation below.
The same rules as RISK are applied for attacking and defending. How you attack and how many armies you get for what continents is a different story. Below I will give suggestions. Feel free to combine them or leave them out as you see fit.
- Continents:
- Base - Territories of a Player divided by three equals troops per turn. It is suggested to at least have this for reinforcement.
- Rows - (1-10), (11-20), (21-30) . . . +3 troops
- Columns - (ending in 1), (ending in 2), (ending in 3) . . . +3 troops.
- Chutes and Ladders - controlling both ends of a chute or ladder +1 troop.
- Chutes and Ladder Advanced - Controlling every square a chute or ladder touches +3 troops.
- 4 squares - Controlling 4 adjacent territories that make a square (1, 2, 11, 12) or (2, 3, 12, 13) or (11, 12, 21, 22) or (22, 23, 32, 33) . . . +1
- Base - Territories of a Player divided by three equals troops per turn. It is suggested to at least have this for reinforcement.
- Attacking
- Adjacent - Any adjacent square may attack each other (up, down, left, right)
- Consecutive - Only consecutive numbers may attack each other (12 may attack 13 or 11, but not 2 or 22)
- Ups and Downs - Chutes may attack any square down from and along the chute. Ladders may attack up the ladder. Neither can attack the opposite way.
- Both Ways - Same as Ups and Downs, but allowing the attacks to be both ways.
- Rollover - 100 attacks and can be attacked by 1.
- Corners - corners can attack any corner (1, 10, 91, 100)
- Complete rollover - squares on the end can attack and be attacked by the square on the opposite end. (ex. 95 and 5, 20 and 11). This also opens up the corners to each other.
- Adjacent - Any adjacent square may attack each other (up, down, left, right)
Advanced Alteration
Battle Placement Rules
(merging Chutes and Ladders with Risk)
Divide the number of players by 100. Each player gets this many troops in their reserve.
- Round One
- The first player spins the wheel and places however many troops on that territory.
- The next player does the same. If they land on the same square as another player, they may attack with as many troops as they would like to pull from their reserves.
- Continue this way until the first round is finished.
- The first player spins the wheel and places however many troops on that territory.
- Round Two and onward
- Add bonus troops to reserve army.
- Place as many reserve armies into any territories they occupy (if any).
- Spin the wheel and move that number of spaces forward from any territory they occupy. Use Chutes and Ladder Rules for this. Troops may only be moved from this territory to the new, leaving at least one army in the original territory.
- If that territory is occupied by another player, they may attack with troops from the initial territory.
- Players may attack any attackable area occupied by another player at this time.
- Fortify.
- After all territories have been occupied
- Place the remainder of Reserve armies onto any territories you occupy.
- Forget the wheel and play as normal until a winner is declared.
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